The Entoboros™ Difference

Entoboros™ is dedicated to customer satisfaction and sustainability.

With the highest quality USA grown larvae, we offer the things everyone has come to love and so much more.

Serious About Sustainability:

Everyone Loves:

Guilt-Free Packaging

Box to Bugs - everything you receive can be composted at home. You read that right, but feel free to read it again.

So often packaging and products are made from single-use plastics or materials that can't be recycled. Not here!

Entoboros™ is dedicated to making a real difference; we care so much about our impact and sustainability that when we couldn't find a compostable adhesive, we made our own!

  • Entoboros™ compostable adhesive
  • Carbon sequestering algae ink
  • Sugarcane pressing byproduct bagasse containers

Contact us we'd love to talk about our packaging!

Feedstock Transparency

Feedstock: what we feed our larvae.

"waste": something with potential value that is seen as unnecessary.

We carefully source organic "waste" locally, formulating it into feedstock that produces the highest quality products. We ensure it's safenutritious, and AAFCO approved. Some examples of "waste" are brewery spent grain and grocery waste.

Curious to know what we're currently feeding? Contact us, we're always happy to share.

Step-Further Sustainability

Valorize: convert something into a more useful or valuable item.

Using organic "waste" to create our feedstock creates a tangible environmental benefit. The organic "waste" we collect is kept in the food cycle rather than becoming a waste stream. To learn more about the scale of this issue checkout our About Us.

With each nutritious and delicious Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae you feed, you and your companion make a difference:

Size Food Waste Valorized per Larva (g) CO2eq Avoided per Larva (g) 
Small 0.1167 0.0071
Medium 0.2333 0.0142
Large 0.3500 0.0214

The CO2eq Avoided metric is in comparison to aerostatic composting. We avoid even more emissions when compared to landfilling organic waste. See our FAQ for how we calculated these estimates.

An easier way to imagine your impact may be in 🍏 (apples) worth of organic material and hours an LED 💡 (lightbulb) is on. For every 1000 Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae fed, you and your companion approximately:


🍏 Upcycled

💡 Hours

Small 1 small 🍏 2 hours of💡usage
Medium 1 large 🍏 4 hours of 💡usage
Large 2 large 🍏

6 hours of 💡usage

Additional 10% Larvae Included

With each order of Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae, we include an additional 10%.

Ex. You order 1000 Large Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae, you get 1100 Large Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae.