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Medium Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Medium Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Regular price $23.75
Regular price Sale price $23.75
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Our Medium Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae are an ideal food for your companion. Grown in California, they're fed on a specially-formulated diet of locally sourced ingredients. This diet produces the highest quality larvae and reduces negative environmental impact.

Each Medium Live Black Soldier Fly Larvae is approximately:

Length: 0.5 inches    Weight: 0.06 grams

Environmental Impact:

for every 1000 Medium Live Black Soldier Fly Larva fed, you and your companion approximately:

  • upcycle one large 🍏 worth of organic material
  • offset the emissions of 4 hours of 💡 usage

Guilt-Free Packaging:

box to bugs - everything you receive can be composted at home:

  • algae ink
  • Entoboros made compostable adhesive
  • no plastics

Free Goodies:

  • additional 10% included with each order
  • live delivery guaranteed
  • free 3-day shipping anywhere in the continental US

Larvae Care:

  • larvae are good for approximately 2 weeks
  • make sure the lid is on securely and keep in a cool dark place
  • preserve them for longer by keeping them in a refrigerator above 40˚F
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